Just as Jesus met the physical needs of those around Him and pointed them to the Good News of the gospel, Courthouse Community Care combines material and spiritual elements in all its outreach. Twice a month, we serve luncheon at a men's shelter downtown. Our greatest joy is sitting down to eat with the men and seizing every opportunity to encourage and pray with them. This is our fourth year in conducting a monthly program at a local nursing home. The residents tell us they look forward to the singing, quizzes, games, crafts and Christian skits that are a part of our ministry. Last but not least, once a quarter, the entire church family gets together to assemble personal care kits made up of items they've collected or purchased. It's fascinating to hear the reports of how God lead them to give the kits to particular recipients.
Wondering how you can get involved?
For information or questions contact our ministry leader Joanne Johnson by email at ojaysgirl1957@gmail.com.