CRC Friendship Garden
CRC Friendship Garden will officially open for the season May 1st, 2024.

Adopt a Friendship Garden Bed
All plants are provided to plant and then it takes a weekly check in to gather the veggies and make sure the bed is in good shape. This could even happen on Sabbath! 3 weeks out of the month the veggies go towards outreach and the 4th week is for you and your family to take home. Gardening tools and knee pads are already in the garden for anyone to use and the garden will be unlocked.
Plan to grow your own food this year!
Garden beds are available for adoption. Text 804-787-3199 if interested.

Join us for the Garden Dedication
Join us on Sabbath, May 4th, as we will celebrate all things nature and garden. Plan to attend as there will giveaways and a prayer of dedication to this year's growing season.