Nominating Committee

How do people become the leader of a ministry?

Second Reading for New Church Officers

There are amazing leaders who served over the past two years. Huge thanks for the week they did for God during their term!

Every two years our church goes through a nominating committee process. Think of it is a ministry connection team that helps gifted individuals find a ministry to use those gifts to build bridges back to God.

Click below to go to see who was nominated to lead our ministries in to the future for a two year term.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to the nominating committee, speak with Pastor Crews so she can coordinate things

Nominating Committee 2020

In keeping with the church manual, every two years a nominating committee prayerfully extends invitations to lead ministry. Their role is to look for people's spiritual gifts and invite those individuals to use those gifts in building bridges back to God.

Its time for more people to be invited to use their spiritual gifts! Its time for the nominating committee to do their work.

To keep you up to date, this is the team that is serving you in this role:

Lawrence Landa, Edward Massaquoi, Reese Omwenga,

Charles Sagini, Abraham Teklu, and Karen Van Ornam.

Is there a ministry on your heart? Tell us how you want to be involved and we will share your interest with the committee! Just send an email to

Want to read the church manual that is the guideline for structure at Courthouse Road Church? You can read it by clicking here. Included in the manual are job descriptions for every role from elder, to deacon, to constituency delegate.

What is a Nominating Committee?

It is a procedure which enables the church to give careful study to each name prior to election to a ministry and avoids the competitive element that may arise when nominations are made from the floor during a church business meeting.